
Read all the latest insights into creating more effective direct mail campaigns

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How Do I Book A Campaign?

Stannp has a self-service interface where you can design and personalise your mail piece using our WYSIWYG editor. The system will show you a PDF...


What Is Advertising Mail?

There are certain requirements for direct mail to be classified as AdMail.


API Upgrades: 1st class, 350 gsm & More...

This article is a guide for anyone using's API who wants to automate sending 1st class campaigns, 350gsm card stock, inserts or other...


API QR Code Generator

We’ve now opened up our own QR Code generator to our API users to make it even easier for you to track engagement on your direct mail.


Stannp API FAQs

Stannp's API integration provides programmatic access to your account. Configure campaigns, feed data and trigger mail pieces to be dispatched using...