
Rolling Mail Campaigns

Rolling Mail Campaigns, also known as Triggered Campaigns, are a great way to produce highly relevant, timely, automated mailings for your customers, prospects and interested contacts.

Rolling Mail Campaigns allow you to have pre-setup mailings on the Stannp system, that you can trigger from specific events or behaviours by your customers. These campaigns help to improve customer engagement, loyalty and boost brand awareness, by delivering mailings at the right time for the specific customer or prospect, based on how they have interacted with your company. 

Welcome Messages

When a customer first signs up with your company, send them a welcome pack, letter or postcard. This is also a perfect opportunity to let them know about all your other wonderful products and services that they don’t yet know about.


Depending on your business this might be appointment reminders, MOT reminders, birthdays, anniversaries, insurance or membership renewal reminders… Any scheduled or annual activity or event can be promoted a few days or weeks before the due date with a timely reminder mailing.

Abandoned Cart

If your company runs a website that includes ecommerce (online shopping) you will undoubtedly be familiar with abandoned carts /abandoned baskets. If a customer has shown some interest in a product but hasn’t completed the purchase, you can use our API or integrations to send a targeted, personalised mailing with an incentive to encourage them to complete the purchase.

Action Based

A customer performs an action either on your website or by interacting with your staff, which you can then use as a trigger to send them targeted information which is relevant to their action or interest.

How To Guides

Setting up Rolling Campaigns through the Stannp platform is easy, and we’ve got some helpful documents to guide you through the process too;

Triggered Campaigns Guide: Would you like to set up your campaign in advance, but send to each recipient on different specific dates in the future? Triggered Campaigns are what you need. Great for customers birthdays, anniversaries, renewal reminders…

Dynamic Content Guide: Direct Mail is at it’s most effective when the content of the mailing is personalised and tailored to the person receiving it. Dynamic content allows you to automate this process so everyone you send to receives a personalised mailing.

Payment Features

We know from your feedback that some new customers wonder about how paying for campaigns works with rolling campaigns.

We’ve built several payment features that allow you to setup your campaigns quickly and easily, while remaining in full control of your account and your finances.

1) Balance Notifications

Your Account billing page allows you to set an automatic low balance reminder, at any account balance value you choose, which will be emailed to the email address of your choice.

This really useful feature helps you manage your account, by notifying you that your account balance has fallen below the ‘trigger balance’ you have set.

If you carry on sending Direct Mail after this point our system will email you again every time your balance reduces.

To set up your reminder, simply click the ‘Enable low balance reminder’ slider, it will go blue and display a tick. Enter the value you want to trigger notifications at in the ‘trigger balance’ field, and the email address you would like the reminder sent to in the ‘reminder email’ box. You can add more than one email if you wish, separated with a comma.

Click the yellow ‘Save Details’ button and you are all set up.

If you want to turn off the reminder emails at a later date, simply click the ‘Enable Low balance reminder’ slider again (it will go grey and remove the tick), and click the yellow ‘Save Details’ button.

2) Save Card Details

Our payment system allows you to save your payment details, making future payments easier.

This is a secure, PCI compliant system delivered through SagePay, which allows you to make further payments to the same supplier on the same transaction ID, without Stannp retaining your card details.

Once you’ve saved your details, the next time you make a payment you will be offered the option of either using the existing payment method, or adding new card details.

Saving your card details enable us to offer you another useful feature, automatic top-ups.

3) Automatic Top-up

Your Account billing page allows you to enable automatic top-up for any amount of your choice, triggered at any balance value.

To set up your top-up, slide the ‘Enable automatic top-up’ slider to the right, it will go blue and display a tick.

Click to select the saved card you want to use for the top-ups, enter the value you want to trigger it at in the ‘Trigger balance’ field, and enter the amount you want to top-up by in the ‘Top-up amount’ box.

Click the yellow ‘Save Details’ button and you are all set up. When your balance falls to the trigger you have set, the Stannp system will bill the amount you have specified to the card you selected.

The system also sends you an email notifying you of the transaction, with an attached PDF receipt for your records.

If you want to turn off the automatic top-ups at a later date, simply slide the ‘Enable automatic topup’ slider again (it will go grey and remove the tick), and click the yellow ‘Save Details’ button.

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