
Direct Mail Response Rate Statistics


  • Direct Mail response rates have taken a tremendous leap with a 9% response rate to house lists and a 5.3% response rate to prospect lists. These are the highest levels the DMA has tracked since 2003. For comparison, in 2015 the rates were 3.7% and 1.0% respectively. In 2010 it was 3.4% and 1.4%.
  • Just like our previous recap of the DMA’s 2015 findings, Direct Mail response rates blow digital channels out of the water. The other channels ranked in order of highest to lowest were Email (1%), Paid Search (1%), Social Media (1%) and Online Display (0.3%).
  • 87% of those who receive Direct Mail have been influenced to make online purchases. 
  • "Advertising Mail delivers increased customer value by increasing sales activity through long-term engagement" - DMA.
  • Industries with the highest use of direct mail are Financial Services—Banks or Credit Unions at 71%, Consumer Packaged Goods at 63%, Retail at 55%, Travel or Hospitality at 55%, and Publishing or Media at 54%.

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