Empowering Futures: National Apprenticeship Week Celebration

National Apprenticeship Week 2024: 5th - 11th February

National Apprenticeship week 2024, which runs from the 5th-11th of February, is a  week-long celebration that ‘’brings together businesses and apprentices across the country to shine a light on the positive impact that apprenticeships make to individuals, businesses and the wider economy’’. 

By providing opportunities for individuals to gain valuable skills and qualifications while earning a wage, apprenticeships empower people from diverse backgrounds to pursue rewarding careers and achieve their full potential. Not only can this help reduce unemployment rates generally, but it is also a good means of considering the significance of increasing social mobility and diversity in the workplace.

This annual celebration shines a spotlight on the contributions of apprenticeships to the workforce. This week, we join the nation in recognizing the transformative power of apprenticeship programs in shaping the future of industries and fostering a skilled workforce. 

According to the Gov.uk website, the theme for National Apprenticeship Week 2024 is “Skills for Life”. During this week, we are encouraged to consider how apprenticeships can help individuals to develop the skills and knowledge required for a rewarding career, and how this movement encourages employers to develop a workforce with future ready skills.

Apprenticeships at Stannp.com

At Stannp.com, we encourage the personal and professional development of each member of our team. Whether it’s a kick-start to your career, or as a means of learning more through industry experts, encouraging continued learning is a top priority as a people-focused brand. 

Fostering a supportive ecosystem for each and every member of our team is incredibly important to us... that's why we are happy to celebrate National Apprenticeship Week, and wish for the continued growth and success of apprenticeship programs nationwide.  

Pictured from L-R in the image below is Julian Goodman (Apprentice), Hayley Kruglow (HR), and James  Doel (Apprentice) at Stannp.com. 


''As a prominent employer in the North Devon area, we're really keen to ensure we're helping to nurture the next generation of tech talent. We're fortunate to be in a position where we're able hire these talented individuals, and be part of their journey towards being the talented developers of the future.

Our apprentices have already shown themselves to be highly capable and driven, and we're so pleased to have taken the step." Hayley Kruglow, Chief Human Resource Officer. 

Apprenticeships at Stannp.com aren't about learning how to make the tea, it's about being trusted to get involved in projects and make impactful changes to our business.

Both Julian Goodman  and James Doel, our Level 4 apprentices in Software Development have already been able to draw upon a number of memorable projects and milestones since they started in December 2023.

"As a highlight in my software engineering career, I was able to make my first professional pull request to the repository of the Stannp.com platform. This was a great feeling and solidified the progress I have been making." said Julian, who has made the leap from working in retail as a supervisor.

He was inspired to take up coding when he googled it during a lunch break, and soon decided it was worth embarking on a career change to revitalise his dwindling energy levels that had been sapped from working in retail.

Julian's fellow apprentice James is appreciative of the freedom that is entrusted in him at Stannp.com, "I am giving time to learn more general software production and maintenance skills, which includes making games, solving coding puzzles and building interactive front-end designs."

James has this advice if you're thinking of becoming a developer using the apprenticeship route, "If you are a naturally curious person, you'll have what it takes to be a developer. University isn't for everybody, and an apprenticeship like this is an excellent opportunity that has enormous career and personal potential." 

Julian had this to add, "The benefits of this apprenticeship are invaluable. I am able to work within a professional environment, pursue a career in my dream sector and am able to surround myself with relatable individuals with great minds on a daily basis. Being an apprentice at Stannp.com grants me the time, energy and focus to be able to really drive towards my career goals."

But what's in it for Stannp.com?

"The fulfilment that comes from teaching and collaboration is a valuable and rewarding thing to have in any team, but especially in Software Engineering where the skills are complex and everchanging. Taking on apprentices at Stannp.com keeps us sharp, provides real-world experience, and fosters a culture of continuous learning, a core value to us here at Stannp.com." Eddie Blundell, Technical Director at Stannp.com

If you're interested in being involved in future programmes, follow our social media for news on any vacancies.

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