Case Studies |

Medivet Maximizes Direct Mail Success with’s API Integration

Written by Sam Heaton | Jan 5, 2024 12:37:50 PM

Medivet, a leading pet care provider in the UK, faced a challenge in effectively reaching clients who did not provide email addresses, or older clients that did not have one. With the rising issue of lapsing customers due to ineffective customer communication via email alone, Medivet required a change in their marketing strategy; one that utilized tangible, personalized direct mail. 

Medivet aren't alone. In a digitally saturated age, it is critical for marketers to explore the avenue of direct mail, with over 70% of consumers feeling more personally touched by direct mail than online communication.


To ensure crucial clinical advice and health maintenance reminders were not missed, Medivet turned to direct mail as a marketing channel. This case study explores how Medivet leveraged's technology, namely the platform’s ability to seamlessly integrate with even most complex CRM’s and reminder systems through its efficient and secure API. 

Read on to learn how a leading pet care provider overcame their communication hurdles, reactivated lapsed customers, and achieved remarkable results through calls-to-actions and exclusive offers.

Find out how can integrate with your existing CRM 


Medivet's primary marketing channel has always been email. However, the lack of email addresses for some clients meant they were unable to receive important communications. Consequently, this posed a challenge in providing comprehensive care and essential reminders to their clients. 

During Covid, Medivet found that relying on direct mail to deliver crucial and personalized veterinary updates to customers proved to be the most effective tool in their marketing strategy. As such, Medivet began to distribute large, segmented direct mail campaigns, to thousands of customers across the UK, designing and sending both postcards and letters via’s easy-to-use platform.

Direct mail truly is the marketing channel that has withstood the test of time, with 73% of marketers considering it a critical part of their marketing strategy due to its huge success rates, and 92% of consumers suggesting it is a more effective tool of communication than digital advertising.


Even in times of crises, or perhaps especially in such times, tangibility, personalization, and audience targeting are the features that allow direct mail to make a positive mark on the homes, hearts and heads of your customers. 

The proof is in the pudding: Medivet’s direct mail campaigns have continued since they began in the uncertain times of Covid, due to its unmatched ability to generate a high ROI, effectively re-engage with lapsed customers, and reach new customers who have a need for their services.


Medivet were in search of a direct mail solution that could address their expanding network of practices and the complexity of their reminders engine. Medivet’s requirement of a secure solution that automatically fed data in real time to trigger automated direct mail pieces to be posted made the perfect fit for their needs. 

Upon conducting research into the most efficient API technology available, they identified as the ideal provider, with the API’s ability to handle 100 queries per second. 

Despite the incredibly innovative technology behind the brand that enables complex integration, a stand-out feature was's user-friendly platform. The straightforward features that ensure the easy use and functionality of our platform is a highlight of our service for Medivet, and for thousands more of our valued customers. 

Karma Carroll, a team member at Medivet, shared her positive experience using

"Discovering was a game-changer for me when I joined Medivet. With no prior experience using the platform, I was pleasantly surprised by its seamless usability. Crafting captivating direct mail campaigns and swiftly sending them out became an effortless task.'s intuitive interface transformed what could have been a complex process into a breeze, empowering me to efficiently engage with our audience and make a lasting impact. It's truly a remarkable platform that revolutionized our approach to direct mail marketing."

Put simply, we’ve built a platform that allows you to design and manage your campaigns quickly and easily.’s API Integration Ability

Fully Secure 

Our API can handle up to 100 queries per second and is fully secure. 

API requests can only be made using A* rated SSL encryption. Every API call to our service requires authentication, which is done by passing your unique API key along with each request. You can find your API key in the dashboard of your account.

To learn more about our API, check out our technical API documentation.

Ease & Efficiency 

You can easily find your API key within the “Settings” section of your account. We have also recently launched a Web logging for developers to use when setting up and testing with us so you can log any responses from your test API calls. 

Read more here

In-House Specialists's API integration isn't just a technology that has been built; it's a team of experts continually at your service, and always seeking improvement.

Our API is fully supported by our inhouse API specialists, who can be contacted via our online chat, on the phone, or email through our usual channels. 

Doesn't Require Experts 

Our API allows for seamless integration with a vast array of services. Use Zapier integration to instantly connect Stannp with over 1,000 other apps to automate direct mail tasks and build work-flows that suit your business needs.

Medivet Campaign Example 





Improved Client Communication

Direct mail enabled Medivet to bridge the communication gap with clients who did not provide or have an email address. By utilizing's platform, Medivet ensured that all clients received vital clinical advice and health maintenance reminders via postcards and letters, enhancing their overall pet care experience. 

Successful campaigns distributed include:

  • Vaccination, neutering and other health related updates
  • Annual campaigns with discount codes and other CTAs to the website
  • Annual plan and finances updates
  • Offers for lapsed customers
  • Relevant animal updates within the UK

Simplicity and Ease of Use

The platform impressed Medivet with its simplicity and user-friendly interface. Creating new campaigns became a streamlined process, from uploading background images to adding personalized copy. This ease of use saves time and effort, especially when working on a large number of campaigns with tight deadlines.

Medivet can often send over 50 mailings during a single month with tens of thousands of recipients.

Increased Campaign Efficiency

With, Medivet experienced a significant boost in campaign efficiency. The platform's intuitive design allowed them to send out large volume campaigns with just a few clicks, ensuring their messages reached the intended audience promptly and effectively.

Medivet were able to segment mail to relevant audiences such as separate mailings to cat, dog, and other pet owners.

Dedicated Account Management

Medivet appreciated the exceptional support provided by's account management team. Their availability and helpfulness played a vital role in Medivet's success. The team was always on hand to assist with any queries or concerns, ensuring a smooth experience throughout their partnership.

At, we pride ourselves on our dedicated support team - from the tech team to AM, we’re on hand to help you get your mail sent out on time.

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By partnering with, Medivet overcame the challenge of reaching clients without email addresses, ensuring that important clinical advice and reminders were received by all. The user-friendly interface, simplicity, and efficiency of's platform played a significant role in Medivet's success. By leveraging direct mail through, Medivet enhanced their client communication, streamlined campaign management through our strong API integration capability, and received valuable support from the dedicated account and expert management team. 

Medivet's experience demonstrates the power of as a reliable and effective direct mail solution provider for businesses in need of comprehensive and user-friendly marketing tools. 

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